CMSUN inverter equipment


Regarding renewable energies and especially the use of solar panels, although the type of panel and its power are of great importance, but to use the solar energy created by solar panels, this energy must pass through the solar inverter.
The most important point in using this energy is that solar panels generate DC electricity, but consumers need AC electricity, which the solar inverter converts DC electricity (direct current) into AC electricity (alternating current).
The solar inverter must fulfill two purposes:
1. Convert the input DC power to a suitable output AC current that has low total harmonic distortion and an acceptable power factor.
2. Receive maximum power from the light source.

Advantages of CMSUN inverters
This inverter has advantages over other inverters, some of which we mention:
- This inverter model adjusts its performance with engine speed.
- It has the ability to work at different frequencies.
- It has remote control capability.
- It has good efficiency in cloudy weather.
- It has the ability to start without using city electricity.


This company, by taking advantage of the capabilities of the Iranian forces and by managing and implementing projects by people who are currently in this group as senior managers of Caspian Madar Company, has the ability to design, install and operate electrical equipment and precision instruments in various industries. It has various industries. The most important project of the company in the last 2 years is the investigation and research regarding the design, installation and commissioning of the electricity supply system to the water wells of agricultural lands using solar panels and inverters. The designed inverter can adjust its performance with engine speed, efficiency in different frequencies, remote control, good efficiency in cloudy weather and starting without using city electricity are other advantages of this inverter. According to this plan, the necessary measures have been taken in order to establish the knowledge base of the company, and the documents are under review.