Coca robot


It is one of the main equipments in different industries and for the implementation of industrial automation, especially in the automotive industry, steel, copper, etc., due to their different and unique technical specifications in the production line, in different types and sizes, such as robots with low loads. Medium and heavy robots are produced as well as robots for special needs. Koka robot is used in various industries and to implement industrial automation.

Among the most important industries that have used the Koka robot to implement the industrial automation process and use industrial robots, it is possible to supply, install and set up accessories and fully equip the robots by the company.
A Koka robot consists of various components that make them work properly. KUKA system software is the operating software and the heart of the entire control system. It stores all the basic functions that are needed to deploy the robot system.


The robots come with a KCP or KUKA Control Panel, also known as a training pendant, which has a display and control-oriented buttons for A1-A6, as well as an integrated 6D mouse with which the robot can be moved manually. gave The pendant also allows the user to view and modify existing programs as well as create new ones. According to the brief explanations given about the Koka robot, it is possible to supply, install and set up accessories and fully equip the robots by the company.